朗誦及音樂推廣協會 Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation 2015 冠軍 1st Place

朗誦及音樂推廣協會 Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation 2015 冠軍 1st Place

朗誦及音樂推廣協會 Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation 2015 冠軍 1st Place

Student : Rachel Lui
鰂漁涌小學(英基), Quarry Bay School (ESF)

Oxford University and Eton College admissions 牛津大學及伊顿公學取錄生,後會有期!

Karen Tsang (left), The University of Oxford Will Shao (right), Eton College, awarded Music Scholarship

Karen Tsang (left), The University of Oxford
Will Shao (right), Eton College, awarded Music Scholarship

Photo taken in 2013-08-03 AM10:03

Congratulations to Karen Tsang (left) on being accepted to The University of Oxford.

Congratulations to Will Shao (right) on being accepted to Eton College and awarded Music Scholarship.

Please ignore the one in the middle, he is just a nobody. ;)
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Trinity ATCL Recital Diploma 演奏文憑 95/100 Distinction 優

Trinity Recital Diploma – Piano ATCL – 95/100 Distinction

Trinity Recital Diploma – Piano ATCL – 95/100 Distinction

英國聖三一音樂學院 – 鋼琴 ATCL 演奏文憑 – 95/100 優 (Distinction)
Trinity Recital Diploma – Piano ATCL – 95/100 Distinction

Student: Helen Chan - 保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學, Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College

Teacher: Jinny He

Grade 5 Music Theory 五級樂理 Distinction 優 90/100


Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music – Theory Grade 5 – 90/100 Distinction

Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music – Theory Grade 5 – 90/100 Distinction

英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會樂理考試 – 樂理五級 – 90/100 優
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music – Theory Grade 5 – 90/100 Distinction

Student: Tom Ho - 西島中學(英基), West Island School (ESF)

Teacher: Mag. Wilson CHU

香港學校音樂節 Hong Kong Schools Music Festival 季軍 2nd Runner Up

Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – 2nd Runner Up 香港學校音樂節 – 季軍

Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, Violin Grade 4, 2nd Runner Up
香港學校音樂節 – 季軍

Student : Chu Konstantion Wilson, 保良局陳守仁小學, Po Leung Kuk Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School

照片來源﹕ http://www.plkctslps.edu.hk


英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會術科考試 – 鋼琴三級 – 優 (Distinction)
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music – Piano Grade 3 – Distinction

  • Rachel Lui
    鰂漁涌小學(英基), Quarry Bay School (ESF)

全港學生公開音樂比賽, 第7屆 – 鋼琴三級 – 冠軍
Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation – Piano Grade 3 – Winner

  • Rachel Lui
    鰂漁涌小學(英基), Quarry Bay School (ESF)

亞太新星鋼琴大賽,第2届 – 鋼琴獨奏 – 冠軍
Asia Star Piano Competition – Piano Solo – Champion

  • Rachel Lui
    鰂漁涌小學(英基), Quarry Bay School (ESF)

香港青少年巴林普爾音樂節 – 鋼琴三級 – 冠軍
Hong Kong Youth Barclampory Music Festival 2013 – Piano Grade 3 – Winner

  • Rachel Lui
    鰂漁涌小學(英基), Quarry Bay School (ESF)

英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會術科考試 – 鋼琴八級 – 優 (Distinction)
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music – Piano Grade 8 – Distinction

  • Alison Wang
    英皇佐治五世學校, King George V School

香港學校音樂節(校際音樂節),第66屆 – 鋼琴獨奏四級 – 季軍
Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – Piano Solo Grade 4 – 2nd Runner Up

  • Emily Wong
    聖嘉勒小學, St. Clare Primary School

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Asia Star Piano Competition (2nd), Music Guidance Award 亞太新星鋼琴大賽(第二届), 音樂指導大獎, Oct 2014

Asia Star Piano Competition (2nd), Music Guidance Award<br /> 亞太新星鋼琴大賽(第二届), 音樂指導大獎, Oct 2014

Asia Star Piano Competition (2nd), Music Guidance Award 亞太新星鋼琴大賽(第二届), 音樂指導大獎, Oct 2014

何老師,獲得 2014 年,亞太新星鋼琴大賽(第二届), 音樂指導大獎。

Ms Jinny He received the Music Guidance Award at the Asia Star Piano Competition (2nd) 2014.

聖士提反女子中學附屬小學St. Stephen’s Girls’ Primary School 取錄,恭喜學生 Hailey!


●Student Hailey and Mag. Chu

聖士提反女子中學附屬小學St. Stephen’s Girls’ Primary School 取錄,恭喜學生 Hailey!

聖士提反女子中學(St. Stephen’s Girls College)是由英國海外傳道會於1906年在香港創辦的一所女子學校,為香港補助學校議會22所補助學校之一。

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全港學生公開音樂比賽,第6屆 – 鋼琴預備組 – 冠軍
Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation – Piano Preliminary Class – Winner

  • Rachel Lui
    鰂漁涌小學(英基), Quarry Bay School (ESF)

香港青少年巴林普爾音樂節 – 幼兒小提琴組5-6歲 組別 – 冠軍
Hong Kong Youth Barclampory Music Festival 2013 – Junior Violin Class age 5-6 – First

  • Chu Konstantin Wilson
    保良局陳守仁小學, Po Leung Kuk Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School

香港學校音樂節(校際音樂節),第65屆 – 鋼琴獨奏六級 – 季軍
Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – Piano Solo Grade 6 – 2nd Runner Up

  • Audrey Wong
    新加坡國際學校, Singapore International School

香港學校音樂節(校際音樂節),第65屆 – 鋼琴二重奏 – 季軍
Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – Piano Duett- 2nd Runner Up

  • Charlotte Chan
    瑪利曼中學, Marymount Secondary School

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