維也納音樂比賽(網上)VMEB Competition Online 2020 冬學期

維也納音樂考試局 – 鋼琴及小提琴比賽 2020 冬學期
VMEB Piano and Violin Video Competition 2020 Winter Semester

報名表格 Application Form: bit.ly/vmeb_vpc_2020

資料下載 Leaflet Download: bit.ly/vmeb_vpc_inf

來源 Source: fb.me/vmeb.org

VMEB Piano & Violin Competition 2020

Piano & Violin Competition

參賽資格: 參賽者必須為香港居民。
Eligibility: The competitions are opened to HK residents only.

比賽等級: 比賽按樂器及級別分組,小提琴及鋼琴各設有 8 個比賽級別。
Grades: The competitions will be grouped by instruments and difficulties. Piano Grade 1 to 8 ; Violin Grade 1 to 8.

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Barclampory Music Festival 2016 巴林普爾音樂節, 表彰證書

The 4th HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival, 四屆香港青少年巴林普爾音樂節, 表彰證書

The 4th HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival, 四屆香港青少年巴林普爾音樂節, 表彰證書

朱老師,獲得2016年四屆香港青少年巴林普爾音樂節, 表彰證書。

Mag. Wilson CHU has been awarded Certificate of Recognition at the 4th HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival

香港學校音樂節 Hong Kong Schools Music Festival 季軍 2nd Runner Up

Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – 2nd Runner Up 香港學校音樂節 – 季軍

Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, Violin Grade 4, 2nd Runner Up
香港學校音樂節 – 季軍

Student : Chu Konstantion Wilson, 保良局陳守仁小學, Po Leung Kuk Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School

照片來源﹕ http://www.plkctslps.edu.hk