HK Music Competition 2016, Best Teacher Award 香港青少年鋼琴公開賽 2016, 傑出導師獎

HK Music Competition 2016, Best Teacher Award<br />  香港青少年鋼琴公開賽 2016, 傑出導師獎

HK Music Competition 2016, Best Teacher Award
香港青少年鋼琴公開賽 2016, 傑出導師獎

何老師,獲得 2016 年,香港青少年鋼琴公開賽 2016, 傑出導師獎

Ms Jinny He received The Best Teacher Award at The HK Music Competition 2016.

The 3rd Asia Pacific Outstanding Youth Piano Competition 2016, Certificate of Recognition 港青樂術協會,第三届亞太傑出青少年鋼琴比賽,表彰證書

he 3rd Asia Pacific Outstanding Youth Piano Competition 2016, Certificate of Recognition<br />  港青樂術協會,第三届亞太傑出青少年鋼琴比賽,表彰證書

he 3rd Asia Pacific Outstanding Youth Piano Competition 2016, Certificate of Recognition

何老師,獲得 2016 年,港青樂術協會,第三届亞太傑出青少年鋼琴比賽,表彰證書。

Ms Jinny He has been awarded Certificate of Recognitionat at the 3rd Asia Pacific Outstanding Youth Piano Competition 2016.

The 7th HK Teenagers Piano Competition, Best Teacher Award 第七届全港少年鋼琴精英賽,最佳教學名師獎, 2016

The 7th HK Teenagers Piano Competition, Best Teacher Award<br />  第七届全港少年鋼琴精英賽,最佳教學名師獎, 2016

The 7th HK Teenagers Piano Competition, Best Teacher Award
第七届全港少年鋼琴精英賽,最佳教學名師獎, 2016

何老師,獲得 2016 年,香港國際文藝交流協會,第七届全港少年鋼琴精英賽,最佳教學名師獎。

Ms Jinny He received The Best Teacher Award at The 7th HK Teenagers Piano Competition.

朗誦及音樂推廣協會 Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation 2015 冠軍 1st Place

朗誦及音樂推廣協會 Speech &amp; Music Recital Development Foundation 2015 冠軍 1st Place

朗誦及音樂推廣協會 Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation 2015 冠軍 1st Place

Student : Rachel Lui
鰂漁涌小學(英基), Quarry Bay School (ESF)

8th HK Students Open Music Competition 2015, Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation, Certificate of Recognition 朗誦及音樂推廣協會,第八屆全港學生公開音樂比賽, 2015

8th HK Students Open Music Competition 2015, Speech &amp; Music Recital Development Foundation, Certificate of Recognition<br />  朗誦及音樂推廣協會,第八屆全港學生公開音樂比賽, 2015

8th HK Students Open Music Competition 2015, Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation, Certificate of Recognition
朗誦及音樂推廣協會,第八屆全港學生公開音樂比賽, 2015

The 8th HK Students Open Music Competition 2015, Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation, Certificate of Recognition

何老師,獲得 2015 年,朗誦及音樂推廣協會,第八屆全港學生公開音樂比賽,表彰證書。

Golden Bauhinia International Youth Piano Competition 2015, Outstanding Music Education Award, 金紫荊國際青少年鋼琴大賽2015,傑出音樂教育獎

Golden Bauhinia International Youth Piano Competition 2015, Outstanding Music Education Award, 金紫荊國際青少年鋼琴大賽2015,傑出音樂教育獎

Golden Bauhinia International Youth Piano Competition 2015, Outstanding Music Education Award, 金紫荊國際青少年鋼琴大賽2015,傑出音樂教育獎

何老師,獲得 2015 年金紫荊國際青少年鋼琴大賽,傑出音樂教育獎。

Ms Jinny He received the Outstanding Music Education Award at the Golden Bauhinia International Youth Piano Competition 2015

Asia Star Piano Competition (2nd), Music Guidance Award 亞太新星鋼琴大賽(第二届), 音樂指導大獎, Oct 2014

Asia Star Piano Competition (2nd), Music Guidance Award<br /> 亞太新星鋼琴大賽(第二届), 音樂指導大獎, Oct 2014

Asia Star Piano Competition (2nd), Music Guidance Award 亞太新星鋼琴大賽(第二届), 音樂指導大獎, Oct 2014

何老師,獲得 2014 年,亞太新星鋼琴大賽(第二届), 音樂指導大獎。

Ms Jinny He received the Music Guidance Award at the Asia Star Piano Competition (2nd) 2014.


全港學生公開音樂比賽,第6屆 – 鋼琴預備組 – 冠軍
Speech & Music Recital Development Foundation – Piano Preliminary Class – Winner

  • Rachel Lui
    鰂漁涌小學(英基), Quarry Bay School (ESF)

香港青少年巴林普爾音樂節 – 幼兒小提琴組5-6歲 組別 – 冠軍
Hong Kong Youth Barclampory Music Festival 2013 – Junior Violin Class age 5-6 – First

  • Chu Konstantin Wilson
    保良局陳守仁小學, Po Leung Kuk Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School

香港學校音樂節(校際音樂節),第65屆 – 鋼琴獨奏六級 – 季軍
Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – Piano Solo Grade 6 – 2nd Runner Up

  • Audrey Wong
    新加坡國際學校, Singapore International School

香港學校音樂節(校際音樂節),第65屆 – 鋼琴二重奏 – 季軍
Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – Piano Duett- 2nd Runner Up

  • Charlotte Chan
    瑪利曼中學, Marymount Secondary School

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亞洲鋼琴公開賽,第17屆 – 鋼琴八級 – 季軍
Hong Kong – Asia Piano Open Competition – Piano Grade 8 – 2nd Runner-up

  • Helen Chan Choi Tung
    保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學, Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College

“李斯特紀念獎”香港國際鋼琴公開賽 – 鋼琴獨奏 – 第四名
“Liszt Memorial Prizes” Hong Kong International Piano Open Competition – Piano Solo – 3rd Runner-up

  • Helen Chan Choi Tung
    保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學, Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College

英國聖三一音樂學院 – 鋼琴 ATCL 演奏文憑 – 80/100 優 (Distinction)
Trinity Recital Diploma – Piano ATCL – 80/100 Distinction

  • Madeline Chung
    民生書院, Munsang College

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Associate of Trinity College London (LTCL) qualification - Piano Recital - Distinction (92/100)
  • Chan Man Yin (Wah Yan College, Kowloon)
Associate of Trinity College London (ATCL) qualification - Piano Recital - Distinction (81/100)
  • Justin Cheng (Shatin College ESF)
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music - Piano Grade 4 - Distinction
  • Wong Cheuk Tung (Singapore International School)
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