VEMB International Online Music Competition 維也納音樂考試局 (VMEB) 國際音樂比賽



History of the VMEB International Music Competition
維也納音樂考試局 (VMEB) 國際賽歷史

Vienna Music Examination Board (Official name in German: ‘Wiener MusikPrüfungskommission:) is an international accreditation body and authority on professional graded practical music examinations and early childhood music education programs. The Board Committee consists of members of institutions with a history of over 150 years, conservatories, professional bodies, and world reputable music associations such as world-leading composer associations.
維也納音樂考試局 (原文德語名稱 “Wiener Musik-Prüfungskommission”; 官方英文名稱“Vienna Music Examination Board”) 由奧地利維也納逾一百五十年歷史之音樂學院、大學、歐洲知名管弦樂團及作曲家協會等組成的國際音樂考試資格評級組織。

The Board has established an International Exam Administration Office in Hong Kong (Room 403, 4/F, Valley Centre, 80-82 Morrison Hill Road, Hong Kong), responsible for conducting the Board’s daily administration work and operations outside Austria, and to coordinate with the Board’s other local Exam Administration Offices in overseas.

The VMEB International Music Competition has been held yearly in Hong Kong, Thailand and Canada since 2010. Starting in 2019, due to the rising number of candidates, it was amended to be held every six months.
維也納音樂考試局自 2010 年起於香港、泰國及加拿大舉辦樂器演奏錄像之國際賽事,並從 2019 年起,定期每半年舉行一次。

For more information about the Vienna Music Examination Board, please visit
更多有關於維也納音樂考試局 (VMEB) 的資料,請瀏覽官方網站


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