Wilson CHU featuring Concerto da Camera 雅樂合奏團, RTHK 香港電台 “The Works”, Interview 訪問

Concerto da Camera 雅樂合奏團, RTHK 香港電台 “The Works”, Interview 訪問, 16/06/2009

Concerto da Camera 雅樂合奏團, RTHK 香港電台 “The Works”, Interview 訪問, 16/06/2009

Concerto da Camera 雅樂合奏團, RTHK 香港電台 “The Works”, Interview 訪問

朱偉舜老師受香港電台 RTHK 邀請,於藝術文化節目 The Works 中演出 “Por Una Cabeza”。

Mag. Wilson CHU performing “Por Una Cabeza” in RTHK’s cultural program The Works.


一步之遙(西班牙語:Por una Cabeza)是一首著名的西班牙語探戈歌曲,提琴曲《 Por Una Cabeza 》。中文翻譯名為【 一步之遙】,曲詞於1935年分別由阿根廷歌手卡洛斯·葛戴爾,及亞法多·勒佩拉創作。西班牙語中的“Por una Cabeza”本為賽馬的術語,意為“差一個(馬)頭”的長度。在歌曲中用來表示對情人之間錯綜複雜難以割捨的惋惜。


Repertoire﹕Por Una Cabeza

“Por una Cabeza” is a tango song with music and lyrics written in 1935 by Carlos Gardel and Alfredo Le Pera respectively.

The name is a Spanish horse-racing phrase meaning “by a head”, which refers to a horse winning a race by the length of one head. The lyrics speak of a compulsive horse-track gambler who compares his addiction for horses with his attraction to women.

Tango scenes with “Por una Cabeza” appear in some of the following films.

Scent of a Woman (1992)
Schindler’s List (1993)
True Lies (1994)
Titanic (1996)
(via Wiki)

這一集於 2009 年 6 月 16 日 7:00PM明珠台播出
This Episode was aired on TVB Pearl 16 / 06 / 2009

The Works

監製 Executive Producer: Gary Pollard

RTHK’ s The Works focuses on Hong Kong’s arts and cultural scene.

The Works is aired on TVB Pearl every Tuesday at HKT 1855 -1925.

This Episode was broadcasted on 16/06/2009 19:00.

Concerto Da Camera Perform Tango

In our studio tonight representatives of Concerto Da Camera tell us about their annual concert. Director, bassoonist and organiser Karen Yeung introduces violinist Mag.art Wilson Chu, accordionist Ouyang Fang, and dancers Edith and Kamong of “Let’s Tango” to perform Carlos Gardel’s “Por Una Cabeza”.